You filtered by Medical Devices/IVD. There are 21 items matching your criteria. Reset filter

This course provides an overview of the US and EU regulatory framework relative to combination products.  This course will discuss the primary mode of action (PMOA), key stakeholders, and Drug-Device Combination (DDC) product requirements as well as a brief discussion of the regulatory framework for jurisdictions beyond the US and EU. This course is approximately 1.5 hours in length and includes knowledge checks after each topic and a competency assessment.    Read more

Course 1 of our Data Integrity Series Problems with data integrity continue to lead to vigorous regulatory actions. Such issues can be prevented with a thorough knowledge and understanding of the regulators’ requirements.  This eLearning course is aimed at anyone working in the Pharmaceutical Industry and is designed to provide an overview of what is meant by data integrity, what needs to be considered during documentation completion, review and approval and how to keep your data complete, consistent and accurate throughout the data lifecycle. This course is course 1 of our Data Integrity series.   Read more

Course 3 of our Data Integrity Series Data Integrity Course 1, Basics of Data Integrity addressed what everyone needs to know for this essential topic.  Course 2 went beyond the basics focusing on the technical details for subjects such as auditing and computer systems management. In this third course we build on your essential knowledge to understand what the Senior Management should ensure is in place, in use and effective. Read more

In addition to providing an in-depth discussion of contemporary design and development principles and practices (and corresponding EU and FDA regulatory requirements), this approximately four-hour, self-paced course explores the essential relationships between risk management and design and development throughout the lifecycle of a medical device.  Read more

This course provides comprehensive instruction on the EU IVDR. It covers all aspects of the regulation and identifies key topics and changes, including the economic operators and new roles associated with EU IVDR, standard requirements that must be met by all IVD manufacturers, and pre- and post-market requirements of conformity assessment.​ Read more

This course provides comprehensive instruction on the EU MDR. It covers every aspect of the regulation and identifies key topics and changes, including economic operators and new roles associated with EU MDR, standard requirements that must be met by all manufacturers regardless of class, and the pre- and post-market requirements of conformity assessment.   Read more

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